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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Bash - Get output after matching line

$ cat file.txt
line 1
line 2
this is the line
line 4
line 5

If you want lines starting from "this is the line"

$ cat file.txt | awk '/this is the line/{ f=1; } f'
this is the line
line 4
line 5

When the line is found, set f to 1.
The last 'f' is shortcut to 'f == 1 { print }'

If you want output after the matching line

$ cat file.txt | awk '/this is the line/{ f=1; next; } f'
line 4
line 5

Saturday, August 01, 2015

Get celery init.d scripts

Downloads init.d scripts (celeryd and celerybeat) for your installed version.
Also accepts APP_NAME as an argument. Saves the files as celeryd-<app_name> and celerybeat-<app_name>

Install Redis inside virtualenv

Just run this script.
Puts the redis.conf in ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/redis.conf.
Adds a wrapper redis-server-ve to use this conf by default.

Defaults to stable release. Else pass the version as an argument.